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Central Auditing Commission of the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

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This electoral term of the Central Auditing Commission was elected by the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1939, and was in session until the convocation of the 19th Congress in 1952.[1]


Members of the Central Auditing Commission of the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)[1]
Name Cyrillic 17th CAC 18th Con. 19th CAC Birth Death PM Ethnicity Gender Ref.
Abdudzhabar Abdurakhmanov Абдурахма́нов Абдуджаба́рович New Renewed Not 1907 1975 1928 Uzbek Male [2]
Afanasy Andrienko Афанасий Андриенко New Removed
1907 1942 1928 Ukrainian Male [3]
Ivan Anoshin Иван Аношин New Renewed Not 1904 1991 1926 Russian Male [4]
Viktor Bochkov Ви́ктор Бочко́в
New Not 1900 1981 1919 Belarusian Male [5]
Pyotr Borodin Пётр Бородин
New Not 1905 1986 1926 Russian Male [6]
Vasily Boytsov Васи́лий Бойцо́в New Renewed Not 1907 1980 1925 Russian Male [7]
Vladimir Bulatov Владимир Булатов New Renewed Not 1910 1999 1925 Russian Male [8]
Yakov Chubin Я́ков Чу́бин New Removed
1893 1956 1915 Belarusian Male [9]
Vasily Denisenko Василий Денисенко New Removed
1895 1945 1927 Russian Male [10]
Semyon Dukelsky Семён Дукельский New Renewed Not 1892 1960 1917 Russian Male [11]
Filipp Golikov Фили́пп Го́ликов
New Not 1900 1980 1918 Russian Male [12]
Nadezhda Grekova Надежда Грекова New Renewed Not 1910 2001 1932 Belarusian Female [13]
Leonid Grischuk Леонид Грищук
New Not 1906 1960 1930 Ukrainian Male [14]
Teymur Guliyev Теймур Кулиев New Renewed Not 1888 1965 1920 Azerbaijani Male [15]
Semyon Ignatiev Семён Дукельский New Renewed Not 1904 1983 1926 Russian Male [16]
Nikita Izotov Никита Изотов New Renewed Died 1902 1951 1936 Russian Male [17]
Alexander Kabanov Александр Кабанов New Renewed Not 1899 1975 1924 Russian Male [18]
Mikhail Kanunnikov Михаил Канунников New Renewed Not 1902 1984 1926 Russian Male [19]
Aitbay Khudaibergenov Аитбай Худайбергенов New Renewed Not 1909 1995 1929 Turkmen Male [20]
Vasily Kiselev Василий Киселёв New Renewed Not 1907 1986 1929 Russian Male [21]
Kuzma Kiselyov Кузьма Киселёв New Removed
1903 1977 1923 Belarusian Male [22]
Pyotr Krivonos Пётр Кривонос New Renewed Not 1910 1980 1929 Ukrainian Male [23]
Mikhail Kudinov Михаил Кудинов
New Not 1904 1975 1925 Ukrainian Male [24]
Aleksandr Kudryavtsev Александр Кудрявцев New Renewed Not 1906 1970 1930 Russian Male [25]
Turabay Kulatov Турабай Кулатов New Renewed Reelected 1908 1984 1932 Kyrgyz Male [26]
Mamadali Kurbanov Мамадали Курбанов New Renewed Not 1905 1976 1930 Tajik Male [27]
Fedor Kuznetsov Фёдор Кузнецов New Renewed Not 1904 1979 1926 Russian Male [28]
Ivan Kuznetsov Иван Кузнецов New Renewed Not 1897 1983 1918 Russian Male [29]
Mikhail Kvasov Михаил Квасов New Removed
1902 1984 1926 Ukrainian Male [30]
Pyotr Lavrentyev Пётр Лаврентьев New Renewed Not ? ? 1925 Russian Male [31]
Nikolay Linkun Николай Линкун New Renewed Not 1904 1977 1925 Russian Male [32]
Pavel Lobanov Павел Лобанов New Renewed Not 1902 1984 1927 Russian Male [33]
Sergey Lukin Сергей Лукин New Renewed Died 1894 1948 1925 Russian Male [34]
Aleksandr Lyubimov Александр Любимов New Renewed Not 1898 1967 1924 Russian Male [35]
Aleksey Melnikov Алексей Ме́льников New Renewed Not 1900 1967 1919 Russian Male [36]
Olga Mishakova Ольга Мишакова New Renewed Not 1906 1980 1937 Russian Female [37]
Gavriil Mishchenko Гавриил Мищенко New Renewed Not 1904 1966 1925 Ukrainian Male [38]
Vasily Molokov Михаил Кудинов
New Not 1895 1982 1925 Russian Male [39]
Pyotr Moskatov Пётр Москатов New Renewed Reelected 1894 1969 1917 Russian Male [40]
Ivan Murugov Ива́н Муру́гов New Sentenced
1897 1941 1917 Russian Male [41]
Georgy Ogorodnikov Георгий Огородников New Renewed Not 1901 1970 1923 Russian Male [42]
Filipp Oktyabrsky Фили́пп Октя́брьский
New Not 1899 1969 1919 Russian Male [43]
Aleksandr Panyushkin Алекса́ндр Па́нюшкин
New Not 1905 1974 1927 Russian Male [44]
Ivan Papanin Ива́н Папа́нин
New Not 1894 1986 1938 Russian Male [45]
Ivan Peresypkin Ива́н Пересы́пкин
New Not 1904 1978 1925 Russian Male [46]
Aram Piruzyan Арам Пирузян New Renewed Not 1907 1996 1929 Armenian Male [47]
Markian Popov Маркиа́н Попо́в
New Not 1902 1969 1921 Russian Male [48]
Dmitri Protopopov Дми́трий Протопо́пов New Renewed Not 1897 1986 1917 Russian Male [49]
Aleksey Sadzhaya Алексей Саджая New Renewed WWII 1898 1942 1919 Russian Male [50]
Nikolay Shatalin Никола́й Шата́лин New Renewed Not 1904 1984 1925 Russian Male [51]
Grigory Silkin Григорий Силкин New Removed
1898 1964 1929 Russian Male [52]
Semyon Skrynnikov Семён Скрынников New Removed
1898 1969 1917 Russian Male [53]
Pavel Smirnov Павел Смирнов New Renewed Not 1894 1954 1917 Russian Male [54]
Ion Stepanenko Ион Степаненко New Renewed Not 1895 1965 1918 Russian Male [55]
Mikhail Suslov Михаи́л Су́слов New Transferred
1902 1982 1921 Russian Male [56]
Stepan Tarasov Степа́н Тара́сов New Renewed Reelected 1893 1955 1915 Russian Male [57]
Vladimir Tributs Влади́мир Три́буц
New Not 1900 1977 1928 Russian Male [58]
Lavrentiy Tsanava Лавре́нтий Цана́ва New Renewed Not 1900 1955 1920 Georgian Male [59]
Nurtas Undasynov Нуртас Ундасынов New Renewed Not 1904 1989 1926 Kazakh Male [60]
Aleksey Vagov Алексе́й Ва́гов New Renewed Not 1905 1971 1925 Russian Male [61]
Mikhail Vladimirsky Михаил Владимирский Old Renewed Died 1874 1951 1898 Russian Male [62]
Aleksei Volkov Алексе́й Ва́гов New Removed
1889 1942 1915 Russian Male [63]


  1. ^ a b "Центральная Ревизионная Комиссия, избранная XVIII-м съездом ВКП(б) 21.3.1939" [Central Auditing Commission elected by XVIII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) 21.3.1939] (in Russian). Handbook on History of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union 1898–1991. Archived from the original on 15 April 2023. Retrieved 13 April 2023.
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